สวัสดีครับเพื่อนๆและทุกคนที่คอยติดตามมาโดยตลอดนะครับ วันนี้แอดมินได้ยินมาว่า Multihack ยังคงทำงานใน SF ได้ดีนะครับและแอดมินสามารถปรับเปลี่ยน โค้ด ect ให้สามารถทำงานได้นะครับมาดูกันเลย
New CreateDevice Hook.cpp
#include "stdafx.h" using namespace std; #include <iostream> //==================================Defines============================================ #define ForceRecon (nNumVertices == 83 && nPrimitiveCount == 137 || nNumVertices == 79 && nPrimitiveCount == 105 || nNumVertices == 142 && nPrimitiveCount == 174 || nNumVertices == 278 && nPrimitiveCount == 462 || nNumVertices == 263 && nPrimitiveCount == 290 || nNumVertices == 316 && nPrimitiveCount == 556) #define ForceReconAddons (nNumVertices == 432 && nPrimitiveCount == 354 || nNumVertices == 144 && nPrimitiveCount == 136 || nNumVertices == 299 && nPrimitiveCount == 311 || nNumVertices == 167 && nPrimitiveCount == 252 || nNumVertices == 298 && nPrimitiveCount == 506 || nNumVertices == 168 && nPrimitiveCount == 254 || nNumVertices == 860 && nNumVertices == 778 || nNumVertices == 648 && nPrimitiveCount == 710 || nNumVertices == 113 && nPrimitiveCount == 189 || nNumVertices == 142 && nPrimitiveCount == 172 || nNumVertices == 87 && nPrimitiveCount == 90 || nNumVertices == 79 && nPrimitiveCount == 105 || nNumVertices == 84 && nPrimitiveCount == 110 || nNumVertices == 70 && nPrimitiveCount == 70 || nNumVertices == 860 && nPrimitiveCount == 778 || nNumVertices == 85 && nPrimitiveCount == 137) #define Mulan (nNumVertices == 118 && nPrimitiveCount == 126|| nNumVertices == 121 && nPrimitiveCount == 180|| nNumVertices == 124 && nPrimitiveCount == 126|| nNumVertices == 295 && nPrimitiveCount == 482|| nNumVertices == 299 && nPrimitiveCount == 452|| nNumVertices == 474 && nPrimitiveCount == 728) #define MulanAddons (nNumVertices == 162 && nPrimitiveCount == 200|| nNumVertices == 120 && nPrimitiveCount == 188|| nNumVertices == 167 && nPrimitiveCount == 276|| nNumVertices == 108 && nPrimitiveCount == 198|| nNumVertices == 512 && nPrimitiveCount == 728|| nNumVertices == 790 && nPrimitiveCount == 881|| nNumVertices == 619 && nPrimitiveCount == 800|| nNumVertices == 399 && nPrimitiveCount == 532|| nNumVertices == 402 && nPrimitiveCount == 580|| nNumVertices == 102 && nPrimitiveCount == 170|| nNumVertices == 125 && nPrimitiveCount == 98|| nNumVertices == 116 && nPrimitiveCount == 128|| nNumVertices == 160 && nPrimitiveCount == 174) //=====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================// #pragma warning(disable:4305) //===================================================================================== int nofog; int XQZ; int m_Stride; int FullBright; int texnum; int nNumVertices; int nPrimitiveCount; LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE8 texRed,texGreen,texYellow,texOrange,texBlue,texCyan,texPink,texPurple,texWhite,texBlack,texSteelBlue,texBrown,texTeal,texLightSteelBlue,texLightBlue,texSalmon,texLime,texElectricLime,texGold,texOrangeRed,texGreenYellow,texAquaMarine,texSkyBlue,texSlateBlue,texCrimson,texDarkOliveGreen,texPaleGreen,texDarkGoldenRod,texFireBrick,texDarkBlue,texDarkerBlue,texDarkYellow,texLightYellow; float ScreenCenterX = 0.0f; float ScreenCenterY = 0.0f; int xhair; int chams; bool Color = true; D3DCOLOR redt = D3DCOLOR_XRGB( 255, 0, 0 ); int NoSmoke; int NoFlash; int WhiteWalls; int AsusWalls; int GlassWalls; int ClearScope; int Red; int Orange; int Green; int Yellow; int Blue; int Cyan; int Pink; int Purple; int White; int Black; int SteelBlue; int LightSteelBlue; int Brown; int Teal; int LightBlue; int Salmon; int Lime; int ElectricLime; int Gold; int OrangeRed; int GreenYellow; int AquaMarine; int SkyBlue; int SlateBlue; int Crimson; int DarkOliveGreen; int PaleGreen; int DarkGoldenRod; int FireBrick; int DarkBlue; int DarkerBlue; int DarkYellow; int LightYellow; int Red2; int Orange2; int Green2; int Yellow2; int Blue2; int Cyan2; int Pink2; int Purple2; int White2; int Black2; int SteelBlue2; int LightSteelBlue2; int Brown2; int Teal2; int LightBlue2; int Salmon2; int Lime2; int ElectricLime2; int *****; int OrangeRed2; int GreenYellow2; int AquaMarine2; int SkyBlue2; int SlateBlue2; int Crimson2; int DarkOliveGreen2; int PaleGreen2; int DarkGoldenRod2; int FireBrick2; int DarkBlue2; int DarkerBlue2; int DarkYellow2; int LightYellow2; //===================================================================================== HRESULT GenerateTexture(IDirect3DDevice8 *pD3Ddev, IDirect3DTexture8 **ppD3Dtex, DWORD colour32) { if( FAILED(pD3Ddev->CreateTexture(8, 8, 1, 0, D3DFMT_A4R4G4B4, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, ppD3Dtex)) ) return E_FAIL; WORD colour16 = ((WORD)((colour32>>28)&0xF)<<12) |(WORD)(((colour32>>20)&0xF)<<8) |(WORD)(((colour32>>12)&0xF)<<4) |(WORD)(((colour32>>4)&0xF)<<0); D3DLOCKED_RECT d3dlr; (*ppD3Dtex)->LockRect(0, &d3dlr, 0, 0); WORD *pDst16 = (WORD*)d3dlr.pBits; for(int xy=0; xy < 8*8; xy++) *pDst16++ = colour16; (*ppD3Dtex)->UnlockRect(0); return S_OK; } //===================================================================================== typedef HRESULT (WINAPI* CreateDevice_Prototype) (LPDIRECT3D8, UINT, D3DDEVTYPE, HWND, DWORD, D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS*, LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8*); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI* Reset_Prototype) (LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8, D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS*); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI* EndScene_Prototype) (LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI* DrawIndexedPrimitive_Prototype)(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8, D3DPRIMITIVETYPE, UINT, UINT, UINT, UINT); typedef HRESULT (WINAPI* SetViewport_Prototype) (LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 ,CONST D3DVIEWPORT8*); CreateDevice_Prototype CreateDevice_Pointer ; Reset_Prototype Reset_Pointer ; EndScene_Prototype EndScene_Pointer ; DrawIndexedPrimitive_Prototype DrawIndexedPrimitive_Pointer ; SetViewport_Prototype SetViewport_Pointer ; HRESULT WINAPI Direct3DCreate8_VMTable (VOID); HRESULT WINAPI CreateDevice_Detour (LPDIRECT3D8, UINT, D3DDEVTYPE, HWND, DWORD, D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS*, LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8*); HRESULT WINAPI Reset_Detour (LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8, D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS*); HRESULT WINAPI EndScene_Detour (LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8); HRESULT WINAPI DrawIndexedPrimitive_Detour(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8, D3DPRIMITIVETYPE, UINT, UINT, UINT, UINT); HRESULT WINAPI SetViewport_Detour (LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 ,CONST D3DVIEWPORT8*); PDWORD Direct3D_VMTable = NULL; //===================================================================================== BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstModule, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved) { if(dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hinstModule); if(Direct3DCreate8_VMTable() == D3D_OK) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } //===================================================================================== //===================================================================================== CD3DFont *pFont=NULL; void PreReset(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 Device_Interface) { if (pFont) { pFont->InvalidateDeviceObjects(); pFont->DeleteDeviceObjects(); pFont = NULL; } } void PostReset(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 Device_Interface) { pFont = new CD3DFont("Arial", 10, D3DFONT_BOLD); if (pFont) { pFont->InitDeviceObjects(Device_Interface); pFont->RestoreDeviceObjects(); } } //===================================================================================== //===================================================================================== HRESULT WINAPI Reset_Detour(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 Device_Interface, D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS* PresentationParameters) { PreReset(Device_Interface); return Reset_Pointer(Device_Interface, PresentationParameters); } //===================================================================================== HRESULT WINAPI EndScene_Detour(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 Device_Interface) { if(Color) { GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texGreen , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,0,255,0)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texRed , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,255,0,0)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texBlue , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,0,0,255)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texOrange , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,255,165,0)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texYellow , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,255,255,0)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texPink , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,255,192,203)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texCyan , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,0,255,255)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texPurple , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,160,32,240)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texBlack , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,0,0,0)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texWhite , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,255,255,255)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texSteelBlue , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,33,104,140)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texLightSteelBlue, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,201,255,255)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texLightBlue , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,26,140,306)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texSalmon , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,196,112,112)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texBrown , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,168,99,20)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texTeal , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,38,140,140)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texLime , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,50,205,50)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texElectricLime , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,204,255,0)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texGold , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,255, 215, 0)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texOrangeRed , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,255,69,0)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texGreenYellow , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,173,255,47)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texAquaMarine , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,127,255,212)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texSkyBlue , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,0,191,255)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texSlateBlue , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,132, 112, 255)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texCrimson , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,220,20,60)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texDarkOliveGreen, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,188,238,104 )); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texPaleGreen , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,154,255, 154)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texDarkGoldenRod , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,255, 185, 15 )); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texFireBrick , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,255,48,48)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texDarkBlue , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,0,0,204)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texDarkerBlue , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,0,0,153)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texDarkYellow , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,255,204,0)); GenerateTexture(Device_Interface, &texLightYellow , D3DCOLOR_ARGB(255,255,255,153)); Color=false; } if(xhair) { D3DRECT rec4 = {ScreenCenterX-35, ScreenCenterY, ScreenCenterX+ 35, ScreenCenterY+1}; D3DRECT rec5 = {ScreenCenterX, ScreenCenterY-35, ScreenCenterX+ 1,ScreenCenterY+35}; Device_Interface->Clear( 1, &rec4, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DXCOLOR(0.62745098, 0.125490, 0.959999, 1.0), 0, 0 );//purple Device_Interface->Clear( 1, &rec5, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DXCOLOR(0.62745098, 0.125490, 0.959999, 1.0), 0, 0 ); D3DRECT rec6 = {ScreenCenterX-30, ScreenCenterY, ScreenCenterX+ 30, ScreenCenterY+1}; D3DRECT rec7 = {ScreenCenterX, ScreenCenterY-30, ScreenCenterX+ 1,ScreenCenterY+30}; Device_Interface->Clear( 1, &rec6, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DXCOLOR(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0), 0, 0 );//blue Device_Interface->Clear( 1, &rec7, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DXCOLOR(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0), 0, 0 ); D3DRECT rec8 = {ScreenCenterX-25, ScreenCenterY, ScreenCenterX+ 25, ScreenCenterY+1}; D3DRECT rec9 = {ScreenCenterX, ScreenCenterY-25, ScreenCenterX+ 1,ScreenCenterY+25}; Device_Interface->Clear( 1, &rec8, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DXCOLOR(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 0, 0 );//cyan Device_Interface->Clear( 1, &rec9, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DXCOLOR(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0), 0, 0 ); D3DRECT rec10 = {ScreenCenterX-20, ScreenCenterY, ScreenCenterX+ 20, ScreenCenterY+1}; D3DRECT rec11 = {ScreenCenterX, ScreenCenterY-20, ScreenCenterX+ 1,ScreenCenterY+20}; Device_Interface->Clear( 1, &rec10, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DXCOLOR(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0), 0, 0 );// green Device_Interface->Clear( 1, &rec11, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DXCOLOR(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0), 0, 0 ); D3DRECT rec12 = {ScreenCenterX-15, ScreenCenterY, ScreenCenterX+ 15, ScreenCenterY+1}; D3DRECT rec13 = {ScreenCenterX, ScreenCenterY-15, ScreenCenterX+ 1,ScreenCenterY+15}; Device_Interface->Clear( 1, &rec12, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DXCOLOR(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0), 0, 0 );// yellow Device_Interface->Clear( 1, &rec13, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DXCOLOR(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0), 0, 0 ); D3DRECT rec14 = {ScreenCenterX-10, ScreenCenterY, ScreenCenterX+ 10, ScreenCenterY+1}; D3DRECT rec15 = {ScreenCenterX, ScreenCenterY-10, ScreenCenterX+ 1,ScreenCenterY+10}; Device_Interface->Clear( 1, &rec14, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DXCOLOR(1.0, 0.549019608, 0.0, 1.0), 0, 0 );// orange Device_Interface->Clear( 1, &rec15, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DXCOLOR(1.0, 0.549019608, 0.0, 1.0), 0, 0 ); D3DRECT rec16 = {ScreenCenterX-5, ScreenCenterY, ScreenCenterX+ 5, ScreenCenterY+1}; D3DRECT rec17 = {ScreenCenterX, ScreenCenterY-5, ScreenCenterX+ 1,ScreenCenterY+5}; Device_Interface->Clear( 1, &rec16, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DXCOLOR(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 0, 0 );//red Device_Interface->Clear( 1, &rec17, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DXCOLOR(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), 0, 0 ); } /* if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F8)&1) // if we click f8 { xhair = !xhair; } // xhair = on if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F1)&1) // if we click f1 { chams = !chams; } // chams = on if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F2)&1) // if we click f2 { //then nofog = !nofog; //nofog = on } //end of then if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F3)&1) // if we click f1 { XQZ = !XQZ; } // XQZ = on */ if (pFont==NULL) PostReset(Device_Interface); // Create font else DoMenu(Device_Interface); return EndScene_Pointer(Device_Interface); } //===================================================================================== void DrawBox(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 Device_Interface, int x, int y, int w, int h, D3DCOLOR col) { struct { float x,y,z,rhw; DWORD dwColor; } qV[4] = { { (float)x , (float)(y+h), 0.0f, 0.0f, col}, { (float)x , (float)y , 0.0f, 0.0f, col}, { (float)(x+w), (float)(y+h), 0.0f, 0.0f, col}, { (float)(x+w), (float)y , 0.0f, 0.0f, col} }; Device_Interface->SetPixelShader(NULL); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE,true); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_DESTBLEND,D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA); Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, NULL); Device_Interface->DrawPrimitiveUP(D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP,2,qV,sizeof(qV[0])); } //===================================================================================== HRESULT WINAPI DrawIndexedPrimitive_Detour(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 Device_Interface, D3DPRIMITIVETYPE pType, UINT nMinIndex, UINT nNumVertices, UINT nStartIndex, UINT nPrimitiveCount) { if(nofog) { Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_FOGENABLE, false); // Disable the Fog } LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER8 Stream_Data; UINT Stride = 40; if(Device_Interface->GetStreamSource(0, &Stream_Data, &Stride) == D3D_OK) Stream_Data->Release(); if(chams) { texnum = (nNumVertices*100000)+nPrimitiveCount; if(Stride == 40 && (texnum==34900580)|| // Delta Force Head (texnum==36100604)|| // Spetsnaz Head (texnum==38000658)|| // Spetsnaz Legs (texnum==18300268)|| // Spetsnaz Body (texnum==36200604)|| // GIGN Head (texnum==21200306)|| // GIGN Body (texnum==35500568)|| // GSG9 Head (texnum==2200024)|| // GSG9 Bangs (texnum==8800105)|| // GSG9 Feet (texnum==36900650)|| // GSG9 Legs (texnum==19600314)|| // GSG9 Body (texnum==36700612)|| // SAS Head (texnum==8500105)|| // SAS Feet (texnum==37000650)|| // SAS Legs (texnum==18000274)|| // SAS Body (texnum==35300556)|| // KSF Head (texnum==7500121)|| // KSF Arms (texnum==9200115)|| // KSF Feet (texnum==12400168)|| // KSF Hands (texnum==30100522)|| // KSF Legs (texnum==18700288)|| // KSF Body (texnum==40900594)|| // ARTC Head (texnum==11700190)|| // ARTC Arms (texnum==9100118)|| // ARTC Feet (texnum==12500170)|| // ARTC Hands (texnum==37000634)|| // ARTC Legs (texnum==41700516)|| // ARTC Body (texnum==19400260)|| // ROKMC Body (texnum==37900592)|| // ROKMC Head (texnum==36500642)|| // ROKMC Legs (texnum==44800776)|| // SRG Head (texnum==15900200)|| // SRG Left Arm (texnum==10500168)|| // SRG Right Arm (texnum==80401016)|| // SRG Body (texnum==10000121)|| // SRG Feet (texnum==13200180)|| // SRG Hands (ForceRecon)|| // ForceRecon (Mulan)|| (texnum==33800534)|| // SRG Leg (texnum==13200212)|| // Delta Force Helmet (texnum==13200212)|| // Delta Force Helmet 2 (texnum==34700538)|| // Delta Force Gas Mask (texnum==19500352)|| // Delta Force Balaclava (texnum==84900778)|| // Delta Force Clan BDU (texnum==27500442)|| // Delta Force Body Armor (texnum==42800576)|| // Delta Force Body Armor 2 (texnum==52100658)|| // Delta Force Tactical Vest (texnum==12200196)|| // Spetsnaz Helmet (texnum==27100464)|| // Spetsnaz Gas Mask (texnum==33600552)|| // Spetsnaz Body Armor (texnum==44100646)|| // Spetsnaz Tactical Vest (texnum==17800292)|| // GIGN Red Bandana (texnum==21300290)|| // GIGN Helmet (texnum==2800036)|| // GIGN Helmet Lens (texnum==35700558)|| // GIGN Gas Mask (texnum==22100396)|| // GIGN Balaclava (texnum==29700492)|| // GIGN Body Armor (texnum==11200188)|| // ROKMC Beret (texnum==12000194)|| // ROKMC Helmet (texnum==29800450)|| // ROKMC Gas Mask (texnum==27100394)|| // ROKMC Body Armor (texnum==28700374)|| // ROKMC X Harness (texnum==34700470)|| // ROKMC X Harness (texnum==5100056)|| // ROKMC Pouch (texnum==9900163)|| // ROKMC Left Arm (texnum==18300163)|| // ROKMC Right Arm (texnum==16400266)|| // GSG9 Red Bandana (texnum==16200243)|| // GSG9 Helmet (texnum==31900466)|| // GSG9 Gas Mask (texnum==19300342)|| // GSG9 Balaclava (texnum==83600752)|| // GSG9 Clan BDU (texnum==33400477)|| // GSG9 Body Armor (texnum==10500163)|| // GSG9 Rolled Up Sleeves (texnum==38100666)|| // GSG9 Tactical Knee Pads (texnum==9600172)|| // SAS Boonie Hat (texnum==14200236)|| // SAS Helmet (texnum==37800552)|| // SAS Gas Mask (texnum==28100486)|| // SAS Balaclava (texnum==62400752)|| // SAS Clan BDU (texnum==27900456)|| // SAS Body Armor (texnum==45700654)|| // SAS Tactical Vest (texnum==39800532)|| // SAS Tactical Vest 2 (texnum==9200100)|| // SAS Holster (texnum==4800040)|| // SAS Magazine Pouch (texnum==4000044)|| // SAS Pouch (texnum==6500110) || // KSF Boonie Hat (texnum==12900208)|| // KSF Helmet (texnum==29600448)|| // KSF Gas Mask (texnum==31100398)|| // KSF Sunglasses (texnum==84700776)|| // KSF Clan BDU (texnum==600004)|| // KSF Clan BDU Logo (texnum==36500606)|| // KSF Body Armor (texnum==63100646)|| // KSF Tactical Vest (texnum==19800163)|| // KSF Rolled Up Sleeves (texnum==7000066)|| // KSF Holster (texnum==10400190)|| // SRG Beret (texnum==23800294)|| // SRG Deer Head (texnum==11600180)|| // SRG NIJ IIIA Helmet (texnum==17100278)|| // SRG Red Bandana (texnum==14600198)|| // SRG Battle Cap (texnum==18200266)|| // SRG Helmet (texnum==19100106)|| // SRG Gas Mask (texnum==54300350)|| // SRG Sunglasses (texnum==30800380)|| // SRG Mid Class Sunglasses (texnum==79300995)|| // SRG Clan BDU 1 (texnum==13300138)|| // SRG Clan BDU 2 (texnum==300001)|| // SRG Clan BDU 3 (texnum==1200012)|| // SRG Clan BDU Logo (texnum==10900110)|| // SRG Bulletproof Vest (texnum==6200064)|| // SRG Holster (ForceReconAddons)|| (MulanAddons)|| (texnum==22700250)) // SRG Pouch { Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZFUNC,D3DCMP_NEVER); if(Red) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texRed); } if(Green) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texGreen); } if(Orange) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texOrange); } if(Yellow) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texYellow); } if(Blue) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texBlue); } if(Cyan) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texCyan); } if(Pink) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texPink); } if(Purple) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texPurple); } if(White) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texWhite); } if(Black) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texBlack); } if(LightSteelBlue) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texLightSteelBlue); } if(SteelBlue) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texSteelBlue); } if(LightBlue) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texLightBlue); } if(Brown) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texBrown); } if(Teal) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texTeal); } if(Salmon) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texSalmon); } if(Lime) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texLime); } if(ElectricLime) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texElectricLime); } if(Gold) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texGold); } if(OrangeRed) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texOrangeRed); } if(GreenYellow) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texGreenYellow); } if(AquaMarine) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texAquaMarine); } if(SkyBlue) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texSkyBlue); } if(SlateBlue) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texSlateBlue); } if(Crimson) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texCrimson); } if(DarkOliveGreen) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texDarkOliveGreen); } if(PaleGreen) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texPaleGreen); } if(DarkGoldenRod) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texDarkGoldenRod); } if(FireBrick) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texFireBrick); } if(DarkBlue) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texDarkBlue); } if(DarkerBlue) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texDarkerBlue); } if(LightYellow) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texLightYellow); } if(DarkYellow) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texDarkYellow); } Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, false); DrawIndexedPrimitive_Pointer(Device_Interface, pType, nMinIndex, nNumVertices, nStartIndex, nPrimitiveCount); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZFUNC,D3DCMP_LESSEQUAL); if(Red2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texRed); } if(Green2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texGreen); } if(Orange2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texOrange); } if(Yellow2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texYellow); } if(Blue2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texBlue); } if(Cyan2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texCyan); } if(Pink2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texPink); } if(Purple2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texPurple); } if(White2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texWhite); } if(Black2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texBlack); } if(LightSteelBlue2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texLightSteelBlue); } if(SteelBlue2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texSteelBlue); } if(LightBlue2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texLightBlue); } if(Brown2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texBrown); } if(Teal2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texTeal); } if(Salmon2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texSalmon); } if(Red) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texRed); } if(Green) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texGreen); } if(Orange) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texOrange); } if(Yellow) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texYellow); } if(Blue) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texBlue); } if(Cyan) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texCyan); } if(Pink) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texPink); } if(Purple) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texPurple); } if(White) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texWhite); } if(Black) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texBlack); } if(LightSteelBlue) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texLightSteelBlue); } if(SteelBlue) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texSteelBlue); } if(LightBlue) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texLightBlue); } if(Brown) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texBrown); } if(Teal) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texTeal); } if(Salmon) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texSalmon); } if(Lime2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texLime); } if(ElectricLime2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texElectricLime); } if(*****) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texGold); } if(OrangeRed2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texOrangeRed); } if(GreenYellow2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texGreenYellow); } if(AquaMarine2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texAquaMarine); } if(SkyBlue2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texSkyBlue); } if(SlateBlue2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texSlateBlue); } if(Crimson2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texCrimson); } if(DarkOliveGreen2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texDarkOliveGreen); } if(PaleGreen2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texPaleGreen); } if(DarkGoldenRod2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texDarkGoldenRod); } if(FireBrick2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texFireBrick); } if(DarkBlue2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texDarkBlue); } if(DarkerBlue2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texDarkerBlue); } if(LightYellow2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texLightYellow); } if(DarkYellow2) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texDarkYellow); } } if (nNumVertices == 213 && nPrimitiveCount == 174) // M67 Grenade =============== // { Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZFUNC,D3DCMP_NEVER); Device_Interface->SetTexture(0,texRed); DrawIndexedPrimitive_Pointer(Device_Interface, pType, nMinIndex, nNumVertices, nStartIndex, nPrimitiveCount); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZFUNC,D3DCMP_LESSEQUAL); Device_Interface->SetTexture(0,texGreen); } if (nNumVertices == 158 && nPrimitiveCount == 131) // Flashbang =============== // { Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZFUNC,D3DCMP_NEVER); Device_Interface->SetTexture(0,texRed); DrawIndexedPrimitive_Pointer(Device_Interface, pType, nMinIndex, nNumVertices, nStartIndex, nPrimitiveCount); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZFUNC,D3DCMP_LESSEQUAL); Device_Interface->SetTexture(0,texGreen); } if (nNumVertices == 171 && nPrimitiveCount == 143) // Smoke Grenade =============== // { Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZFUNC,D3DCMP_NEVER); Device_Interface->SetTexture(0,texRed); DrawIndexedPrimitive_Pointer(Device_Interface, pType, nMinIndex, nNumVertices, nStartIndex, nPrimitiveCount); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZFUNC,D3DCMP_LESSEQUAL); Device_Interface->SetTexture(0,texBlue); } if (nNumVertices == 271 && nPrimitiveCount == 257) // VX Grenade =============== // { Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZFUNC,D3DCMP_NEVER); Device_Interface->SetTexture(0,texRed); DrawIndexedPrimitive_Pointer(Device_Interface, pType, nMinIndex, nNumVertices, nStartIndex, nPrimitiveCount); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZFUNC,D3DCMP_LESSEQUAL); Device_Interface->SetTexture(0,texBlue); } if (nNumVertices == 338 && nPrimitiveCount == 339) // RGD-5 Grenade =============== // { Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZFUNC,D3DCMP_NEVER); Device_Interface->SetTexture(0,texRed); DrawIndexedPrimitive_Pointer(Device_Interface, pType, nMinIndex, nNumVertices, nStartIndex, nPrimitiveCount); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZFUNC,D3DCMP_LESSEQUAL); Device_Interface->SetTexture(0,texYellow); } if (Stride==40 && // Guns =============== // (texnum==187200968)|| // GALIL (texnum==187200968)|| // GALIL 2 (texnum==149701124)|| // UZI (texnum==193701304)|| // M249 (texnum==232501431)|| // SIG551 (texnum==161500751)|| // FA-MAS (texnum==107400724)|| // FR-F2 (texnum==141600900)|| // AN94 (texnum==145900805)|| // G36C (texnum==42200339)|| // K1 (texnum==23400116)|| // K1 2 (texnum==17500073)|| // K1 3 (texnum==3200012)|| // K1 4 (texnum==2300012)|| // K1 5 (texnum==71900459)|| // MP5 (texnum==1800008)|| // MP5 2 (texnum==20300084)|| // MP5 3 (texnum==16700083)|| // MP5 4 (texnum==79100469)|| // M4A1 (texnum==12000044)|| // M4A1 2 (texnum==16800062)|| // M4A1 3 (texnum==2400008)|| // M4A1 4 (texnum==600002)|| // M4A1 5 (texnum==12800050)|| // M4A1 6 (texnum==2600010)|| // M4A1 7 (texnum==4200014)|| // M4A1 8 (texnum==1400008)|| // M4A1 9 (texnum==80600442)|| // M16A2 (texnum==13400052)|| // M16A2 2 (texnum==17600066)|| // M16A2 3 (texnum==5400018)|| // M16A2 4 (texnum==46200348)|| // STEYR_AUG (texnum==27000133)|| // STEYR_AUG 2 (texnum==4100025)|| // STEYR_AUG 3 (texnum==1200006)|| // STEYR_AUG 4 (texnum==400002)|| // STEYR_AUG 5 (texnum==46800367)|| // PSG-1 (texnum==9600042)|| // PSG-1 2 (texnum==18800092)|| // PSG-1 3 (texnum==16900071)|| // PSG-1 4 (texnum==3400012)|| // PSG-1 5 (texnum==800004)|| // PSG-1 6 (texnum==40500383)|| // K2 (texnum==15800089)|| // K2 2 (texnum==2200012)|| // K2 3 (texnum==7000034)|| // K2 4 (texnum==60700349)|| // P90 (texnum==5500033)|| // P90 2 (texnum==47700227)|| // P90 3 (texnum==10300047)|| // P90 4 (texnum==3800014)|| // P90 5 (texnum==50300349)|| // AK-74 (texnum==14700071)|| // AK-74 2 (texnum==13100061)|| // AK-74 3 (texnum==194501145)|| // MG36 (texnum==116000670)|| // DESERT EAGLE (texnum==182101089)|| // MR73 (texnum==62500454)|| // REMINGTON M870 (texnum==95200571)|| // BENELLI M1 (texnum==40700334)|| // GLOCK 23 (texnum==71500449)|| // BERETTA M92F (texnum==11000044)|| // BERETTA M92F 2 (texnum==16500075)|| // BERETTA M92F 3 (texnum==4400020)|| // BERETTA M92F 4 (texnum==2800014)|| // BERETTA M92F 5 (texnum==92000543)|| // COLT 45 (texnum==239001276)) // DRAGONUV { Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZFUNC,D3DCMP_NEVER); Device_Interface->SetTexture(0,texBlue); DrawIndexedPrimitive_Pointer(Device_Interface, pType, nMinIndex, nNumVertices, nStartIndex, nPrimitiveCount); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_TRUE); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZFUNC,D3DCMP_LESSEQUAL); Device_Interface->SetTexture(0,texOrange); } } //============================================================================================================ if(XQZ) { texnum = (nNumVertices*100000)+nPrimitiveCount; if(Stride == 40 && (texnum==34900580)|| // Delta Force Head (texnum==36100604)|| // Spetsnaz Head (texnum==38000658)|| // Spetsnaz Legs (texnum==18300268)|| // Spetsnaz Body (texnum==36200604)|| // GIGN Head (texnum==21200306)|| // GIGN Body (texnum==35500568)|| // GSG9 Head (texnum==2200024)|| // GSG9 Bangs (texnum==8800105)|| // GSG9 Feet (texnum==36900650)|| // GSG9 Legs (texnum==19600314)|| // GSG9 Body (texnum==36700612)|| // SAS Head (texnum==8500105)|| // SAS Feet (texnum==37000650)|| // SAS Legs (texnum==18000274)|| // SAS Body (texnum==35300556)|| // KSF Head (texnum==7500121)|| // KSF Arms (texnum==9200115)|| // KSF Feet (texnum==12400168)|| // KSF Hands (texnum==30100522)|| // KSF Legs (texnum==18700288)|| // KSF Body (texnum==40900594)|| // ARTC Head (texnum==11700190)|| // ARTC Arms (texnum==9100118)|| // ARTC Feet (texnum==12500170)|| // ARTC Hands (texnum==37000634)|| // ARTC Legs (texnum==41700516)|| // ARTC Body (texnum==19400260)|| // ROKMC Body (texnum==37900592)|| // ROKMC Head (texnum==36500642)|| // ROKMC Legs (texnum==44800776)|| // SRG Head (texnum==15900200)|| // SRG Left Arm (texnum==10500168)|| // SRG Right Arm (texnum==80401016)|| // SRG Body (texnum==10000121)|| // SRG Feet (texnum==13200180)|| // SRG Hands (ForceRecon)|| // ForceRecon (Mulan)|| (texnum==33800534)) // SRG Leg { Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, false); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE); } if (nNumVertices == 213 && nPrimitiveCount == 174) // M67 Grenade =============== // { Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, false); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE); } if (nNumVertices == 158 && nPrimitiveCount == 131) // Flashbang =============== // { Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, false); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE); } if (nNumVertices == 171 && nPrimitiveCount == 143) // Smoke Grenade =============== // { Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, false); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE); } if (nNumVertices == 271 && nPrimitiveCount == 257) // VX Grenade =============== // { Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, false); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE); } if (nNumVertices == 338 && nPrimitiveCount == 339) // RGD-5 Grenade =============== // { Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, false); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE); } if (Stride==40 && // Equipment =============== // (texnum==13200212)|| // Delta Force Helmet (texnum==13200212)|| // Delta Force Helmet 2 (texnum==34700538)|| // Delta Force Gas Mask (texnum==19500352)|| // Delta Force Balaclava (texnum==84900778)|| // Delta Force Clan BDU (texnum==27500442)|| // Delta Force Body Armor (texnum==42800576)|| // Delta Force Body Armor 2 (texnum==52100658)|| // Delta Force Tactical Vest (texnum==12200196)|| // Spetsnaz Helmet (texnum==27100464)|| // Spetsnaz Gas Mask (texnum==33600552)|| // Spetsnaz Body Armor (texnum==44100646)|| // Spetsnaz Tactical Vest (texnum==17800292)|| // GIGN Red Bandana (texnum==21300290)|| // GIGN Helmet (texnum==2800036)|| // GIGN Helmet Lens (texnum==35700558)|| // GIGN Gas Mask (texnum==22100396)|| // GIGN Balaclava (texnum==29700492)|| // GIGN Body Armor (texnum==11200188)|| // ROKMC Beret (texnum==12000194)|| // ROKMC Helmet (texnum==29800450)|| // ROKMC Gas Mask (texnum==27100394)|| // ROKMC Body Armor (texnum==28700374)|| // ROKMC X Harness (texnum==34700470)|| // ROKMC X Harness (texnum==5100056)|| // ROKMC Pouch (texnum==9900163)|| // ROKMC Left Arm (texnum==18300163)|| // ROKMC Right Arm (texnum==16400266)|| // GSG9 Red Bandana (texnum==16200243)|| // GSG9 Helmet (texnum==31900466)|| // GSG9 Gas Mask (texnum==19300342)|| // GSG9 Balaclava (texnum==83600752)|| // GSG9 Clan BDU (texnum==33400477)|| // GSG9 Body Armor (texnum==10500163)|| // GSG9 Rolled Up Sleeves (texnum==38100666)|| // GSG9 Tactical Knee Pads (texnum==9600172)|| // SAS Boonie Hat (texnum==14200236)|| // SAS Helmet (texnum==37800552)|| // SAS Gas Mask (texnum==28100486)|| // SAS Balaclava (texnum==62400752)|| // SAS Clan BDU (texnum==27900456)|| // SAS Body Armor (texnum==45700654)|| // SAS Tactical Vest (texnum==39800532)|| // SAS Tactical Vest 2 (texnum==9200100)|| // SAS Holster (texnum==4800040)|| // SAS Magazine Pouch (texnum==4000044)|| // SAS Pouch (texnum==6500110) || // KSF Boonie Hat (texnum==12900208)|| // KSF Helmet (texnum==29600448)|| // KSF Gas Mask (texnum==31100398)|| // KSF Sunglasses (texnum==84700776)|| // KSF Clan BDU (texnum==600004)|| // KSF Clan BDU Logo (texnum==36500606)|| // KSF Body Armor (texnum==63100646)|| // KSF Tactical Vest (texnum==19800163)|| // KSF Rolled Up Sleeves (texnum==7000066)|| // KSF Holster (texnum==10400190)|| // SRG Beret (texnum==23800294)|| // SRG Deer Head (texnum==11600180)|| // SRG NIJ IIIA Helmet (texnum==17100278)|| // SRG Red Bandana (texnum==14600198)|| // SRG Battle Cap (texnum==18200266)|| // SRG Helmet (texnum==19100106)|| // SRG Gas Mask (texnum==54300350)|| // SRG Sunglasses (texnum==30800380)|| // SRG Mid Class Sunglasses (texnum==79300995)|| // SRG Clan BDU 1 (texnum==13300138)|| // SRG Clan BDU 2 (texnum==300001)|| // SRG Clan BDU 3 (texnum==1200012)|| // SRG Clan BDU Logo (texnum==10900110)|| // SRG Bulletproof Vest (texnum==6200064)|| // SRG Holster (ForceReconAddons)|| (MulanAddons)|| (texnum==22700250)) // SRG Pouch { Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, false); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE); } if (Stride==40 && // Guns =============== // (texnum==187200968)|| // GALIL (texnum==187200968)|| // GALIL 2 (texnum==149701124)|| // UZI (texnum==193701304)|| // M249 (texnum==232501431)|| // SIG551 (texnum==161500751)|| // FA-MAS (texnum==107400724)|| // FR-F2 (texnum==141600900)|| // AN94 (texnum==145900805)|| // G36C (texnum==42200339)|| // K1 (texnum==23400116)|| // K1 2 (texnum==17500073)|| // K1 3 (texnum==3200012)|| // K1 4 (texnum==2300012)|| // K1 5 (texnum==71900459)|| // MP5 (texnum==1800008)|| // MP5 2 (texnum==20300084)|| // MP5 3 (texnum==16700083)|| // MP5 4 (texnum==79100469)|| // M4A1 (texnum==12000044)|| // M4A1 2 (texnum==16800062)|| // M4A1 3 (texnum==2400008)|| // M4A1 4 (texnum==600002)|| // M4A1 5 (texnum==12800050)|| // M4A1 6 (texnum==2600010)|| // M4A1 7 (texnum==4200014)|| // M4A1 8 (texnum==1400008)|| // M4A1 9 (texnum==80600442)|| // M16A2 (texnum==13400052)|| // M16A2 2 (texnum==17600066)|| // M16A2 3 (texnum==5400018)|| // M16A2 4 (texnum==46200348)|| // STEYR_AUG (texnum==27000133)|| // STEYR_AUG 2 (texnum==4100025)|| // STEYR_AUG 3 (texnum==1200006)|| // STEYR_AUG 4 (texnum==400002)|| // STEYR_AUG 5 (texnum==46800367)|| // PSG-1 (texnum==9600042)|| // PSG-1 2 (texnum==18800092)|| // PSG-1 3 (texnum==16900071)|| // PSG-1 4 (texnum==3400012)|| // PSG-1 5 (texnum==800004)|| // PSG-1 6 (texnum==40500383)|| // K2 (texnum==15800089)|| // K2 2 (texnum==2200012)|| // K2 3 (texnum==7000034)|| // K2 4 (texnum==60700349)|| // P90 (texnum==5500033)|| // P90 2 (texnum==47700227)|| // P90 3 (texnum==10300047)|| // P90 4 (texnum==3800014)|| // P90 5 (texnum==50300349)|| // AK-74 (texnum==14700071)|| // AK-74 2 (texnum==13100061)|| // AK-74 3 (texnum==194501145)|| // MG36 (texnum==116000670)|| // DESERT EAGLE (texnum==182101089)|| // MR73 (texnum==62500454)|| // REMINGTON M870 (texnum==95200571)|| // BENELLI M1 (texnum==40700334)|| // GLOCK 23 (texnum==71500449)|| // BERETTA M92F (texnum==11000044)|| // BERETTA M92F 2 (texnum==16500075)|| // BERETTA M92F 3 (texnum==4400020)|| // BERETTA M92F 4 (texnum==2800014)|| // BERETTA M92F 5 (texnum==92000543)|| // COLT 45 (texnum==239001276)) // DRAGONUV { Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, false); Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_ZENABLE, D3DZB_FALSE); } } if(FullBright) { if(Stride == 40) { Device_Interface->SetRenderState(D3DRS_LIGHTING, false); } } if(NoSmoke) { if(nPrimitiveCount=4) { return D3D_OK; } } if(NoFlash) { if(nNumVertices == 158 && nPrimitiveCount == 131) { return D3D_OK; } } if(ClearScope) { if(texnum==40200000 && Stride == 28) { return D3D_OK; } } if(AsusWalls) { if(Stride == 40) { Device_Interface->SetRenderState( D3DRS_SRCBLEND, 3 ); Device_Interface->SetRenderState( D3DRS_DESTBLEND, 4 ); Device_Interface->SetRenderState( D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, true ); } } if(WhiteWalls) { if(Stride == 40) { Device_Interface->SetTexture(0, texWhite); } } if(GlassWalls) { if(Stride == 40) { return D3D_OK; } } return DrawIndexedPrimitive_Pointer(Device_Interface, pType, nMinIndex, nNumVertices, nStartIndex, nPrimitiveCount); } //===================================================================================== //======================================================================================== HRESULT WINAPI SetViewport_Detour(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 Device_Interface,CONST D3DVIEWPORT8* pViewport) { ScreenCenterX = ( float )pViewport->Width / 2; ScreenCenterY = ( float )pViewport->Height / 2; return SetViewport_Pointer(Device_Interface,pViewport); } //===================================================================================== //===================================================================================== char sFPS[20]="xxx Fps"; int CH_back = 2; // 40% // group states int CH_cheats = 1; int CH_Chams = 0; int CH_Chams2 = 0; // item states // none standard options char *opt_Grp[] = { "+","-" }; char *opt_OffOn[] = { "Off","On" }; char *opt_Stamina[] = { "Off","Stealth","Full" }; char *opt_Back[] = { "Off","20%","40%","60%","80%","Solid" }; D3DMenu *pMenu=NULL; // Change this to make your own menu void RebuildMenu(void) { pMenu->AddItem("Background" , &CH_back , opt_Back, 6); pMenu->AddText("Framerate", sFPS); pMenu->AddGroup("[Cham Colors 1]" , &CH_Chams, opt_Grp); pMenu->AddGroup("[Cham Colors 2]" , &CH_Chams2, opt_Grp); pMenu->AddGroup("[Cheats]" , &CH_cheats, opt_Grp); if (CH_cheats) { pMenu->AddItem("Chams" , &chams , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("XQZ" , &XQZ , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("NoFog" , &nofog , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("Rainbow Crosshair" , &xhair , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("FullBright" , &FullBright , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("NoSmoke" , &NoSmoke , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("NoFlash" , &NoFlash , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("ClearScope" , &ClearScope , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("AsusWallHack" , &AsusWalls , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("GlassWalls" , &GlassWalls , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("WhiteWalls" , &WhiteWalls , opt_OffOn); } if (CH_Chams) { pMenu->AddItem("Red" , &Red , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("Yellow" , &Yellow , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("Orange" , &Orange , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("Green" , &Green , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("Blue" , &Blue , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("Cyan" , &Cyan , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("Pink" , &Pink , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("Purple" , &Purple , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("White" , &White , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("Black" , &Black , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("SteelBlue" , &SteelBlue , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("LightSteelBlue" , &LightSteelBlue , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("LightBlue" , &LightBlue , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("Salmon" , &Salmon , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("Teal" , &Teal , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("Brown" , &Brown , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("Lime" , &Lime , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("ElectricLime" , &ElectricLime , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("Gold" , &Gold , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("OrangeRed" , &OrangeRed , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("GreenYellow" , &GreenYellow , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("AquaMarine" , &AquaMarine , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("SkyBlue" , &SkyBlue , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("SlateBlue" , &SlateBlue , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("Crimson" , &Crimson , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("DarkOliveGreen" , &DarkOliveGreen , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("PaleGreen" , &PaleGreen , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("DarkGoldenRod" , &DarkGoldenRod , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("FireBrick" , &FireBrick , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("DarkBlue" , &DarkBlue , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("DarkerBlue" , &DarkerBlue , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("DarkYellow" , &DarkYellow , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("LightYellow" , &LightYellow , opt_OffOn); } if (CH_Chams2) { pMenu->AddItem("Red" , &Red2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("Yellow" , &Yellow2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("Orange" , &Orange2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("Green" , &Green2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("Blue" , &Blue2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("Cyan" , &Cyan2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("Pink" , &Pink2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("Purple" , &Purple2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("White" , &White2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("Black" , &Black2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("SteelBlue" , &SteelBlue2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("LightSteelBlue" , &LightSteelBlue2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("LightBlue" , &LightBlue2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("Salmon" , &Salmon2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("Teal" , &Teal2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("Brown" , &Brown2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("Lime" , &Lime2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("ElectricLime" , &ElectricLime2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("Gold" , &***** , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("OrangeRed" , &OrangeRed2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("GreenYellow" , &GreenYellow2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("AquaMarine" , &AquaMarine2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("SkyBlue" , &SkyBlue2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("SlateBlue" , &SlateBlue2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("Crimson" , &Crimson2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("DarkOliveGreen" , &DarkOliveGreen2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("PaleGreen" , &PaleGreen2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("DarkGoldenRod" , &DarkGoldenRod2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("FireBrick" , &FireBrick2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("DarkBlue" , &DarkBlue2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("DarkerBlue" , &DarkerBlue2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("DarkYellow" , &DarkYellow2 , opt_OffOn); pMenu->AddItem("LightYellow" , &LightYellow2 , opt_OffOn); } } // --- simple FPS vars and function int FPScounter = 0; float FPSfLastTickCount = 0.0f; float FPSfCurrentTickCount; void FPScheck(char *str, char *format) { FPSfCurrentTickCount = clock() * 0.001f; FPScounter++; if((FPSfCurrentTickCount - FPSfLastTickCount) > 1.0f) { FPSfLastTickCount = FPSfCurrentTickCount; sprintf(str,format,FPScounter); FPScounter = 0; } } // Draw a background void DrawGui(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 Device_Interface, DWORD col) { if (CH_back==5) // solid col|=0xff000000; else col|=CH_back*0x30000000; // transparency DrawBox(Device_Interface,pMenu->x-3,pMenu->y-2,pMenu->totwidth+6,pMenu->totheight+4 ,col); DrawBox(Device_Interface,pMenu->x-3,pMenu->y-2,pMenu->totwidth+6,pMenu->titleheight+1,col|0xff000000); } // called with every EndScene void DoMenu(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 Device_Interface) { if (pMenu==0) { // first time , create the menu pMenu = new D3DMenu("== SoreBack ==",100,160); // title, maxitems,width pMenu->visible=1; // make it visible pMenu->col_title=0xffffffff; // change title color to white } else { FPScheck(sFPS,"%d Fps"); if (pMenu->noitems==0) RebuildMenu(); if (pMenu->visible && CH_back) DrawGui(Device_Interface,0x000000); // black background pMenu->Show(pFont); pMenu->Nav(); } } //======================================================================================= HRESULT WINAPI Direct3DCreate8_VMTable(VOID) { LPDIRECT3D8 Direct3D_Object = Direct3DCreate8(D3D_SDK_VERSION); if(Direct3D_Object == NULL) return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; Direct3D_VMTable = (PDWORD)*(PDWORD)Direct3D_Object; Direct3D_Object->Release(); DWORD dwProtect; if(VirtualProtect(&Direct3D_VMTable[15], sizeof(DWORD), PAGE_READWRITE, &dwProtect) != 0) { *(PDWORD)&CreateDevice_Pointer = Direct3D_VMTable[15]; *(PDWORD)&Direct3D_VMTable[15] = (DWORD)CreateDevice_Detour; if(VirtualProtect(&Direct3D_VMTable[15], sizeof(DWORD), dwProtect, &dwProtect) == 0) return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; } else return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; return D3D_OK; } //===================================================================================== HRESULT WINAPI CreateDevice_Detour(LPDIRECT3D8 Direct3D_Object, UINT Adapter, D3DDEVTYPE DeviceType, HWND FocusWindow, DWORD BehaviorFlags, D3DPRESENT_PARAMETERS* PresentationParameters, LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8* Returned_Device_Interface) { HRESULT Returned_Result = CreateDevice_Pointer(Direct3D_Object, Adapter, DeviceType, FocusWindow, BehaviorFlags, PresentationParameters, Returned_Device_Interface); DWORD dwProtect; if(VirtualProtect(&Direct3D_VMTable[15], sizeof(DWORD), PAGE_READWRITE, &dwProtect) != 0) { *(PDWORD)&Direct3D_VMTable[15] = *(PDWORD)&CreateDevice_Pointer; CreateDevice_Pointer = NULL; if(VirtualProtect(&Direct3D_VMTable[15], sizeof(DWORD), dwProtect, &dwProtect) == 0) return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; } else return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL; if(Returned_Result == D3D_OK) { Direct3D_VMTable = (PDWORD)*(PDWORD)*Returned_Device_Interface; *(PDWORD)&Reset_Pointer = (DWORD)Direct3D_VMTable[14]; *(PDWORD)&EndScene_Pointer = (DWORD)Direct3D_VMTable[35]; *(PDWORD)&DrawIndexedPrimitive_Pointer = (DWORD)Direct3D_VMTable[71]; *(PDWORD)&SetViewport_Pointer = (DWORD)Direct3D_VMTable[40]; *(PDWORD)&Direct3D_VMTable[14] = (DWORD)Reset_Detour; *(PDWORD)&Direct3D_VMTable[35] = (DWORD)EndScene_Detour; *(PDWORD)&Direct3D_VMTable[71] = (DWORD)DrawIndexedPrimitive_Detour; *(PDWORD)&Direct3D_VMTable[40] = (DWORD)SetViewport_Detour; } return Returned_Result; }
#include "stdafx.h" #include "menu2.h" // Adding items, group, text to the menu void D3DMenu::AddItem(char *txt, int *var, char **opt, int maxval, int typ) { if (noitems>=(maxitems-1)) return; MENU[noitems]->typ=typ; MENU[noitems]->txt=txt; MENU[noitems]->opt=opt; MENU[noitems]->var=var; MENU[noitems]->maxval=maxval; noitems++; totheight=(noitems*height)+titleheight; } void D3DMenu::AddGroup(char *txt, int *var, char **opt, int maxval) { AddItem(txt, var, opt, maxval, MENUGROUP); } void D3DMenu::AddText(char *txt, char *opt) { AddItem(txt,0,(char **)opt,0,MENUTEXT); } // Show the Menu void D3DMenu::Show(CD3DFont *pFont) { int i,val,cy; DWORD color; if (!visible) return; cy=y; if (title) { pFont->DrawText((float)(x+totwidth/2), (float)cy+1, col_title,title,D3DFONT_SHADOW|D3DFONT_CENTERED); cy+=titleheight; } for (i=0; i<noitems; i++) { if (MENU[i]->typ==MENUTEXT) { pFont->DrawText((float)x, (float)cy, col_text,MENU[i]->txt,D3DFONT_SHADOW); if (MENU[i]->opt) { pFont->DrawText((float)(x+ofs), (float)cy, col_text,(char *)MENU[i]->opt, D3DFONT_RIGHT|D3DFONT_SHADOW); } } else { val=(MENU[i]->var)?(*MENU[i]->var):0; // determine color if (i==cur) color=col_current; else if (MENU[i]->typ==MENUGROUP) color=col_group; else color=(val)?col_on:col_off; pFont->DrawText((float)x, (float)cy, color,MENU[i]->txt,D3DFONT_SHADOW); if (MENU[i]->opt) { pFont->DrawText((float)(x+ofs), (float)cy, color,(char *)MENU[i]->opt[val],D3DFONT_RIGHT|D3DFONT_SHADOW); } } cy+=height; } } // check for Menu navigation keys void D3DMenu::Nav(void) { if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_INSERT)&1) visible=(!visible); if (!visible) return; if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) ) { if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP)&1 ) y-=10; if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN)&1 ) y+=10; if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT)&1 ) x-=10; if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT)&1) x+=10; } else { if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP)&1) { do { cur--; if (cur<0) cur=noitems-1; } while (MENU[cur]->typ==MENUTEXT); // skip textitems } else if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN)&1) { do { cur++; if (cur==noitems) cur=0; } while (MENU[cur]->typ==MENUTEXT); // skip textitems } else if (MENU[cur]->var) { int dir=0; // bugfix: thx to Dxt-Wieter20 if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT )&1 && *MENU[cur]->var > 0 ) dir=-1; if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT)&1 && *MENU[cur]->var < (MENU[cur]->maxval-1)) dir=1; if (dir) { *MENU[cur]->var += dir; if (MENU[cur]->typ==MENUGROUP) noitems=0; // change on menufolder, force a rebuild } } } }
// stdafx.cpp : source file that includes just the standard includes // New CreateDevice Hook.pch will be the pre-compiled header // stdafx.obj will contain the pre-compiled type information #include "stdafx.h" // TODO: reference any additional headers you need in STDAFX.H // and not in this file
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: D3DFont.cpp // Desc: Texture-based font class // Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // Changes by Hans211 // - Added D3D_FONT_RIGHT // - Stripped not needed functions // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "stdafx.h" #include <windows.h> #include <d3d8.h> #pragma comment(lib, "d3d8.lib") #include <d3dx8.h> #pragma comment(lib, "d3dx8.lib") #include <stdio.h> #include "menu2.h" #include "d3dfont8.h" #include <time.h> #include "Soldierfront.h" #include <mmsystem.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <fstream> #pragma comment(lib, "winmm.lib") //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Custom vertex types for rendering text //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define MAX_NUM_VERTICES 50*6 struct FONT2DVERTEX { D3DXVECTOR4 p; DWORD color; FLOAT tu, tv; };
// stdafx.h : include file for standard system include files, // or project specific include files that are used frequently, but // are changed infrequently // #pragma once #include "targetver.h" #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers // Windows Header Files: #include <windows.h> #include <d3d8.h> #pragma comment(lib, "d3d8.lib") #include <d3dx8.h> #include "d3dfont8.h" #pragma comment(lib, "d3dx8.lib") #include "menu2.h" #include "d3dfont8.h" #include "Soldierfront.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <mmsystem.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <fstream> #pragma comment(lib, "winmm.lib") #include <iostream> // TODO: reference additional headers your program requires here
#include "menu2.h" #include "stdafx.h" extern CD3DFont *pFont; void DrawBox(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 pDevice, int x, int y, int w, int h, D3DCOLOR color); void PreReset (LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 pDevice); void PostReset(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 pDevice); extern int noFPS; void RebuildMenu(void); void DoMenu(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 pDevice);
#ifndef _D3DMENU_H #define _D3DMENU_H #include "Soldierfront.h" #ifndef D3DFONT_RIGHT #define D3DFONT_RIGHT 0x0008 #endif #ifndef D3DFONT_SHADOW #define D3DFONT_SHADOW 0x0010 #endif #define MENUGROUP 1 #define MENUTEXT 2 #define MENUITEM 3 #define MCOLOR_TITLE 0xffff1111 #define MCOLOR_CURRENT 0xffff0000 #define MCOLOR_GROUP 0xffffff00 #define MCOLOR_TEXT 0xffe0e0e0 #define MCOLOR_OFF 0xffa0a0a0 #define MCOLOR_ON 0xffffffff typedef struct { int typ; // type of menuline, folder, item char *txt; // text to show char **opt; // array of options int *var; // variable containing current status int maxval; // maximumvalue, normally 1 gives 0=off 1=on } tMENU; class D3DMenu { public: D3DMenu(char *Name=0, int maxentries=99, int maxwidth=160) { title=Name; maxitems=maxentries; cur=noitems=visible=0; x=y=15; totwidth=ofs=maxwidth; height=15; titleheight=totheight=height+4; col_title =MCOLOR_TITLE; col_group =MCOLOR_GROUP; col_text =MCOLOR_TEXT; col_off =MCOLOR_OFF; col_on =MCOLOR_ON; col_current=MCOLOR_CURRENT; // allocate menu array MENU=(tMENU **)malloc(4*maxitems); for (int i=0; i<maxitems; i++) MENU[i]=(tMENU *)malloc(sizeof(tMENU)); } ~D3DMenu() { for (int i=0; i<maxitems; i++) free(MENU[i]); free(MENU); } // colors DWORD col_title; DWORD col_group; DWORD col_text; DWORD col_off; DWORD col_on; DWORD col_current; // position and sizes int x,y; // current position of the menu int totwidth,totheight; // total width and height of menu int height; // height of 1 menuline int titleheight; // some extra height for a title int ofs; // offset for option text // menu vars char *title; // some menu title int cur; // current highlighted menuitem int noitems; // number of menu items int visible; // 1 = menu is visible tMENU **MENU; void AddItem (char *txt, int *var, char **opt, int maxvalue=2, int typ=MENUITEM); void AddGroup(char *txt, int *var, char **opt, int maxvalue=2); void AddText (char *txt, char *opt=""); void Show(CD3DFont *pFont); void Nav(void); private: int maxitems; }; #endif
#ifndef D3DFONT_H #define D3DFONT_H #include <tchar.h> #include <d3d8.h> // Font creation flags #define D3DFONT_BOLD 0x0001 #define D3DFONT_ITALIC 0x0002 #define D3DFONT_ZENABLE 0x0004 // Font rendering flags #define D3DFONT_CENTERED 0x0001 #define D3DFONT_TWOSIDED 0x0002 #define D3DFONT_FILTERED 0x0004 #define D3DFONT_RIGHT 0x0008 // non standard #define D3DFONT_SHADOW 0x0010 // non standard //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: class CD3DFont // Desc: Texture-based font class for doing text in a 3D scene. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CD3DFont { TCHAR m_strFontName[80]; // Font properties DWORD m_dwFontHeight; DWORD m_dwFontFlags; LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 m_pd3dDevice; // A D3DDevice used for rendering LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE8 m_pTexture; // The d3d texture for this font LPDIRECT3DVERTEXBUFFER8 m_pVB; // VertexBuffer for rendering text DWORD m_dwTexWidth; // Texture dimensions DWORD m_dwTexHeight; FLOAT m_fTextScale; FLOAT m_fTexCoords[128-32][4]; DWORD m_dwSpacing; // Character pixel spacing per side // Stateblocks for setting and restoring render states DWORD m_dwSavedStateBlock; DWORD m_dwDrawTextStateBlock; public: // 2D and 3D text drawing functions HRESULT DrawText( FLOAT x, FLOAT y, DWORD dwColor, TCHAR* strText, DWORD dwFlags=0L ); // Function to get extent of text HRESULT GetTextExtent( TCHAR* strText, SIZE* pSize ); // Initializing and destroying device-dependent objects HRESULT InitDeviceObjects( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 pd3dDevice ); HRESULT RestoreDeviceObjects(); HRESULT InvalidateDeviceObjects(); HRESULT DeleteDeviceObjects(); // Constructor / destructor CD3DFont( TCHAR* strFontName, DWORD dwHeight, DWORD dwFlags=0L ); ~CD3DFont(); }; #endif